Friday, October 19, 2007


I finally completed a page about me I didn't us the original journaling I was going to use. What I discovered is that one page about me probably would not give you the best of me because I have many me's, I am a mom, a friend, a lover not a fighter, a party girl, a simple girl, educated woman.... and so much more. I am finally becoming more comfortable with my journaling and my hand writing. I found this poem by Alicia Keys for my journaling.

So this is just a glimpse of the many parts of me. These pages are for my ROCK STAR Album. I bet you didn't know I was a ROCK STAR

Cosmopolitan Woman

By: Alicia Keys

I don't want to be
cosmopolitan woman
With big ol' city sophistication
And a facade of perfection
Every page of the story

Filled with predictability
Of a lost soul
A hole in your heart

Only filled up temporarily
By clothes
And money

And 101 ways to find Mr.Right
By sex and superficiality
Cause we've all lost sight
No I don't want to be
A cosmopolitan woman

I just wanna be myself
I may not be perfect
But I am brave
May have pimples on my skin
But my glow is from within

I damn sho ain't cosmopolitan
And you won't find me on the cover
Pages of a magazine rip and tear
With time people are forgotten
Stories are outdated
But you'll never find a hole in my soul
And my story keeps growing
And only gets better
I have real skin that's tough like leather

I'm a go-getter
And I'm gonna win
Who gives a shit about cosmopolitan
Even only in my beginning stages
I'm more than just a silent woman
Frozen on white pages
Sick of the cages
But I am a lion
In my differences I am defiant
And that is more beautiful
Than any other photo shoot
Than any cover story

Fixed with Photoshop
It's gotta stop
This image of beauty is all wrong
But it's benn going on too long to realize
The prize is down inside the deepest region
Of your available soul
Read the story
And let it be told
Even in my beginning stages
I am more than just a silent woman
Frozen on white pages