Thursday, May 18, 2006


Drama queen Shaquaya is at it again, she is 16 soon to be 17 and stressing me about going with her to get a tattoo. I decided to let her get it but I am not sure I am ready. I know I have to let her grow but I look at her and I can't believe my baby is a big girl now. Today she caught me staring and she asked, " mom why are you looking at me like that". I can't believe she is the same little girl that could not leave my side. Well my Quaya is all grown up now.

These Are the Days (Que Tiempos Aquellos)

I want to celebrate life. God has blessed me in so many ways. So I created this blog to celebrate life the good and the bad. Through my words, through my pictures, through my scrapbook. I will share with you my family and friends my life Que Tiempos Aquellos These are the days.